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Are 529 contributions tax-deductible?

Key takeaways

  • Contributions to a 529 plan are never deductible on your federal income tax return.
  • Depending on where you live and the 529 plan's rules, you may be eligible for 529 tax benefits as a deduction or credit on your state income tax return.
  • Withdrawals, including any investment earnings, are federally tax-free if used for qualified education expenses.

As college costs have continued to rise, saving money for education is likely top-of-mind for students, their parents, and even grandparents. In the US, 529 plans are flexible, state-administered accounts that provide a tax-advantaged way to save for certain education costs.

Are 529 contributions tax-deductible? It depends on where you live and what plan you have. Here’s what to know.

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What are 529 tax benefits?

Those who contribute to and receive distributions from 529 plans may benefit from a number of tax advantages.

Tax benefits to beneficiaries

  • 529 plan distributions don’t incur federal income taxes or penalties if they’re used to pay for qualified expenses, which include tuition, books, and other education-related costs.
  • Those who receive 529 distributions can use up to $10,000 in tax-free distributions in their lifetime to repay student loans.
  • They can generally also use up to $10,000 in federal-tax-free distributions to pay for elementary or secondary tuition at a public, private, or religious school each year. States have their own regulations on whether they consider this a qualified expense, so check your plan.
  • The SECURE Act of January 2020 allows 529 beneficiaries to use tax-free distributions to pay for qualified apprenticeship expenses.
  • The SECURE 2.0 Act allows for tax- and penalty-free rollovers from 529 accounts to Roth IRAs, under certain conditions. 529 account beneficiaries can roll over up to $35,000 during their lifetime from any 529 account in their name that has been open for at least 15 years to their Roth IRA (subject to the beneficiary’s Roth IRA contribution limits).

Tax benefits to contributors

  • 529 plan contributions are removed from their taxable estate.
  • In 2025, contributors can give up to $19,000 a year without counting against the lifetime gift tax exemption amount ($13.99 million in 2025). But with the “superfunding” or “accelerated gifting” strategy, a contributor can give up to 5 times that yearly limit in a single year without triggering the gift tax or reducing the lifetime gift exemption amount—as long as they don’t surpass $95,000 in contributions over 5 years.
  • While 529 contributions are not tax-deductible federally, many states offer tax benefits on state income tax returns.

Are 529 contributions tax-deductible?

Many states offer a deduction or tax credit for their in-state plans on state income tax returns, though there might be income limits for eligibility. There are even 9 states (Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, Maine, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania) that allow taxpayers to claim state income tax deductions/credits for contributions to 529 plans from any state. (This is known as “tax parity.”)

Some states don’t tax wages and salaries, so they don’t offer 529 credits or deductions on state income tax returns. Those 9 states are: Alaska, Florida, New Hampshire (note: no state ordinary income taxes; income tax applies to dividends and interest, which was repealed Jan. 1, 2025), Nevada, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming. Other states do tax income but don’t offer credits or deductions for 529 contributions. Those 4 states are: California, Hawaii, Kentucky, and North Carolina.

This chart shows how all 50 states and Washington, DC, handle 529 tax benefits for individual and joint tax filers. (4 states offer credits; 1 allows a credit or a deduction; the rest offer deductions only.) Not all states adjust deductions or credits for 529 contributions annually, but we have noted if there is a difference in the amounts for tax years 2024 and 2025 if information was available. See each state’s Department of Treasury for additional information on limits and exclusions.

State Maximum deductions for tax years 2024 and 2025 for individual filers/those married filing jointly
Alabama $5,000/$10,000
Alaska No benefits
Arizona $2,000/$4,000 per beneficiary
Arkansas $5,000/$10,000
California No benefits
Colorado For 2024: $22,700/$34,000, each per beneficiary
For 2025: $25,400/$38,100, each per beneficiary
Connecticut $5,000/$10,000
Delaware $1,000/$2,000
Florida No benefits
Georgia $4,000/$8,000, each per beneficiary
Hawaii No benefits
Idaho $6,000/$12,000
Illinois $10,000/$20,000
Indiana Credit (not a deduction)
Up to $300 for individual and joint filers; up to $150 for those married filing separately
Iowa For 2024: $5,500 per taxpayer per beneficiary
For 2025: $5,800 per taxpayer per beneficiary
Kansas $3,000/$6,000, each per beneficiary
Kentucky No benefits
Louisiana $2,400/$4,800, each per beneficiary
Maine $1,000 per beneficiary
Maryland $2,500/$5,000, each per beneficiary
Massachusetts $1,000/$2,000
Michigan $5,000/$10,000
Minnesota $1,500/$3,000 (or you can take a credit up to $500)
Mississippi $10,000/$20,000
Missouri $8,000/$16,000
Montana $3,000/$6,000
Nebraska $10,000 for individual and joint filers/$5,000 for those married filing separately
Nevada No benefits
New Hampshire No benefits
New Jersey $10,000 per taxpayer
New Mexico 100% of contributions
New York $5,000/$10,000
North Carolina No benefits
North Dakota $5,000/$10,000
Ohio $4,000 per beneficiary
Oklahoma $10,000/$20,000
Oregon Credit (not a deduction)
Up to $180 for individual filers/up to $360 for joint filers
Pennsylvania For 2024: $18,000/$36,000, each per beneficiary
For 2025: $19,000/$38,000, each per beneficiary
Rhode Island $500/$1,000
South Carolina 100% of contributions
South Dakota No benefits
Tennessee No benefits
Texas No benefits
Utah Credit (not a deduction)
For 2024: $109.66/$219.31, each per beneficiary
For 2025: $113.30/$226.59, each per beneficiary
Vermont ​​​Credit (not a deduction)
$250/$500, each per beneficiary
Virginia $4,000 per beneficiary; 100% of contributions for those age 70 and older
Washington, DC $4,000/$8,000
Washington No benefits
West Virginia 100% of contributions
Wisconsin $5,000 for individual and joint filers/$2,500 for those married filing separately
Wyoming No benefits

Other 529 tax considerations

Choosing a 529 plan

You don’t have to pick your home state’s plan, but depending on your home state’s laws, you might reap tax benefits if you do. In most states, you must contribute to its plan to claim tax deductions or credits on your state income tax return. You don’t even need to itemize to receive a state tax benefit on offer. Just check whether a plan allows only the account owner (such as a parent or grandparent) to claim a tax benefit or allows any account contributor (for example, a relative or friend) to do so.

Why would you choose a plan from a different state than your own? A few reasons include lower administrative fees, stronger plan performance, preferable investment options, and no minimum or maximum contribution amounts.

If timing flexibility is important to you, check a state’s 529 plan on deadlines to contribute. Most require you to contribute by December 31 of the year you’re claiming a deduction or credit, though some states extend deadlines until Tax Day—usually April 15—of the next year.

Watch for a 1099-Q ​​​

Those who receive distributions from 529 plans receive a 1099-Q form for each plan’s distribution. In most cases, this form is informational, but beneficiaries who withdraw more than their adjusted qualified education expenses may need to report that information on their tax return when they file it.

529 contribution deadlines and annual limits

Each state and plan has its own contribution deadlines and annual limits. Visit the state’s 529 page (often linked through a state treasury’s website) to see these regulations.

Save and invest for college

Open a flexible, tax-advantaged 529 college savings plan.

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The UNIQUE College Investing Plan, U.Fund College Investing Plan, DE529 Education Savings Plan, AZ529, Arizona's Education Savings Plan, and the Connecticut Higher Education Trust (CHET) 529 College Savings Plan - Direct Plan are offered by the state of New Hampshire, MEFA, the state of Delaware, and the state of Arizona with the Arizona State Treasurer's Office as the Plan Administrator and the Arizona State Board of Investment as Plan Trustee, and the Treasurer of the state of Connecticut respectively, and managed by Fidelity Investments.

If you or the designated beneficiary is not a New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Delaware, Arizona or Connecticut resident, you may want to consider, before investing, whether your state or the beneficiary's home state offers its residents a plan with alternate state tax advantages or other state benefits such as financial aid, scholarship funds and protection from creditors.

Fidelity does not provide legal or tax advice. The information herein is general and educational in nature and should not be considered legal or tax advice. Tax laws and regulations are complex and subject to change, which can materially impact investment results. Fidelity cannot guarantee that the information herein is accurate, complete, or timely. Fidelity makes no warranties with regard to such information or results obtained by its use, and disclaims any liability arising out of your use of, or any tax position taken in reliance on, such information. Consult an attorney or tax professional regarding your specific situation.

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